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The Great Masquerade

Finding Purpose In my efforts to gain sobriety I concluded that if I could figure out what my life’s purpose was, I could stop drinking for good. I was a rudderless ship on the sea of life! As coincidence would have it, at about the same time I had this epiphany one of my councilors…

The Hairdresser, The Psychiatrist, and The Inuit

“Why Henry? I have spent years listening to people’s problems and giving advice. I know people. I can help you.” she pleaded.

“Its not that. It’s…It’s….I’m BALD! How is this going to work? I am bald.”

A Break from Reality. Part 2

As we walked down the hall Jenny asked “There are going to be a few people joining us this morning, is that OK with you?”

“Of course” I replied as she opened the door and we walked into a large conference room packed full with people.

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